Saturday, December 27, 2014

Right and Wrong

Humans are the strangest kind in the world. From the moment they born they believe in something. Maybe in God, after life, no-after life, a political party, or zombies..?. May be you are an atheist.
What ever they accept in, when they started to believe, it is so hard to change. Because all beings are offensive for changes. So another tries to change your believes, you become aggressive and try to protect your valuable view.  Arguments over debates, debates over fights, and fights over wars. Just because the opponent has different views and believes. 
One can be right from his/her side, but wrong from another. So tell me how can we tell what we believe is true?  How can you differ right from wrong, This is a question that even Google cannot answer. So lets analyze various opinions over right from wrong,

  • Believe God's words - I can take my birth right God and you take yours. My God tell me that killing animals is wrong while your God tell you beasts are made to eat by humans. So which is right again? Which one is actually THE GOD? Then we again circle back to offensive war about believes.
  • Wrong is which affects me and others badly, right is which is not - This is a common strategy to right from wrong. This is little hard to disapprove, but then what if we accidentally step upon a little creature, it dies and now walking is wrong?  If the word others doesn't imply creatures, Take a very rare unexpected accident by a driver and a man dies? Oh! now you say it's an accident? 
  • What most people think is right -  This is the most ridiculous differentiation i have ever heard, and I cannot even think of disproving this. 
These are the most popular right from wrongs. But as a conclusion there is no such thing as right and no such thing as wrong. People live with their own created or given believes and die not knowing. A bad man doesn't exist. Even in the wrong, a right can be found. After all, the atheism is also a belief. 

Leave a comment. I want to know your believes.